Page 13 - NSK_CAT_E1102m_A7-141
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The average speed nm may be calculated as follows:                      5.4 Equivalent Load                                       5.4.1 Calculation of Equivalent Loads                            center for each bearing is listed in the bearing tables.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   When radial loads are applied to these types of
      nm =  n1t1+ n2t2+ ...+ nntn       ........................(5.19)  In some cases, the loads applied on bearings are          The equivalent load on radial bearings may be                    bearings, a component of load is produced in the axial
             t1+ t2+ .........+ tn                                      purely radial or axial loads; however, in most cases,     calculated using the following equation:                         direction. In order to balance this component load,
                                                                        the loads are a combination of both. In addition, such                                                                     bearings of the same type are used in pairs, placed
(2) When the load fluctuates almost linearly (Fig. 5.8),                loads usually fluctuate in both magnitude and direction.     P = XFr + YFa ........................................(5.25)  face to face or back to back. These axial loads can be
    the average load may be calculated as follows:                      In such cases, the loads actually applied on bearings                                                                      calculated using the following equation:
                                                                        cannot be used for bearing life calculations; therefore,  where P : Equivalent Load (N), {kgf}
                                                                        a hypothetical load that has a constant magnitude and
      FmH   1  (Fmin  +  2Fmax)  .........................(5.20)        passes through the center of the bearing, and will give          Fr : Radial load (N), {kgf}
            3                                                           the same bearing life that the bearing would attain              Fa : Axial load (N), {kgf}
                                                                        under actual conditions of load and rotation should              X : Radial load factor                                           Fa i =  0.6  Fr  ...................................(5.27)
where       Fmin : Minimum value of fluctuating load                    be estimated. Such a hypothetical load is called the                                                                                      Y
                   (N), {kgf}                                           equivalent load.
                                                                                                                                         Y : Axial load factor                                     where Fa i : Component load in the axial direction
            Fmax : Maximum value of fluctuating load                                                                                                                                                                (N), {kgf}
                   (N), {kgf}                                                                                                     The values of X and Y are listed in the bearing tables.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Fr : Radial load (N), {kgf}
(3) When the load fluctuation is similar to a sine wave                                                                           The equivalent radial load for radial roller bearings with                    Y : Axial load factor
    (Fig. 5.9), an approximate value for the average
    load Fm may be calculated from the following                                                                                  α = 0° is                                                        Assume that radial loads Fr1 and Fr2 are applied
    equation:                                                                                                                                                                                      on bearings1and 2 (Fig. 5.12) respectively, and an
                                                                                                 Fmax                                 P = Fr                                                       external axial load Fae is applied as shown. If the axial
    In the case of Fig. 5.9 (a)                                                                                                                                                                    load factors are Y1, Y2 and the radial load factor is X,
                                                                                      Fm                                          In general, thrust ball bearings cannot take radial              then the equivalent loads P1 , P2 may be calculated as
    FmH0.65 Fmax ........................................(5.21)               F                                                   loads, but spherical thrust roller bearings can take             follows:
                                                                                                                                  some radial loads. In this case, the equivalent load may
    In the case of Fig. 5.9 (b)                                                                                                   be calculated using the following equation:

    FmH0.75 Fmax ........................................(5.22)                                                                   P = Fa + 1.2Fr ..................................(5.26)

                                                                                                                                  where  Fr  ≤0.55                                                 where  Fae +   0.6  Fr2≥     0.6   Fr1
                                                                                                                                         Fa                                                                       Y2            Y1
(4) When both a rotating load and a stationary load are
    applied (Fig. 5.10).                                                      0 ∑ niti                                            5.4.2 Axial Load Components in Angular Contact                   ( ) }P1 = XFr1 + Y1 Fae +    0.6   Fr2
                                                                                                                                          Ball Bearings and Tapered Roller Bearings                                             Y2
        FR : Rotating load (N), {kgf}                                                       (a)                                                                                                                                            ..............(5.28)
                                                                                                                                  The effective load center of both angular contact
        FS : Stationary load (N), {kgf}                                                                                           ball bearings and tapered roller bearings is at the              P2 = Fr2
                                                                                                                                  point of intersection of the shaft center line and a line
      An approximate value for the average load Fm may                                                                            representing the load applied on the rolling element by          where  Fae +   0.6  Fr2<     0.6   Fr1
      be calculated as follows:                                                                                                   the outer ring as shown in Fig. 5.11. This effective load                       Y2            Y1
                                                                                                 F max
a)  Where FR≥FS
     FmHFR + 0.3FS               FS2                                          Fm                                                                                                                   ( )}P1 = Fr1
                         +  0.2  FR   ..........................(5.23)  F                                                                                                                          P2 = XFr2 + Y2          0.6  Fr1 − Fae  ...............(5.29)
b)  Where FR<FS
    FmHFS + 0.3FR                FR2
                         +  0.2  FS   ..........................(5.24)

                                                                            0 ∑ niti                                                                                     Bearing I                 Bearing 2               Bearing I                  Bearing 2


                                                                        Fig. 5.9 Sinusoidal Load Variation

                 F1                                                     Fmax                            Fs                               αα                                               Fa e                    Fr2 FrI Fae                         Fr2
      F F2 Fm                                                                                                                                                            Fr I                                                                    (b)
                                                     Fm                                                       FR                         aa
                                            F                                             Fig. 5.10 Rotating Load and             Fig. 5.11 Effective Load Centers                        (a)

                                                                                                      Stationary Load                                                                              Fig. 5.12 Loads in Opposed Duplex Arrangement

                                        Fn     Fmin
      0 n1 t1 n2 t2              nn tn                   ∑ niti

    Fig. 5.7 Incremental Load Variation     Fig. 5.8 Simple Load Fluctuation

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