Page 39 - NSK_CAT_E1102m_A7-141
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9.1 Fits 9.1.2 Selection of Fit Therefore, the effective interference &d should be roughness of the surfaces and may be estimated using
larger than the interference given by Equation (9.1). the following equations:
9.1.1 Importance of Proper Fits (1) Load Conditions and Fit However, in the case of heavy loads where the radial
The proper fit may be selected from Table 9.1 based on load exceeds 20% of the basic static load rating C 0r, For ground shafts & d= d & da . . . . . . . . . . . . (9.4)
In the case of a rolling bearing with the inner ring fitted the load and operating conditions. under the operating condition, interference often d+2
to the shaft with only slight interference, a harmful becomes shortage. Therefore, interference should be
circumferential slipping may occur between the inner (2) Magnitude of Load and Interference estimated using Equation (9.2): For machined shafts & d= d & da . . . . . . . . . . . . (9.5)
ring and shaft. This slipping of the inner ring, which is The interference of the inner ring is slightly reduced d+3
called “creep”, results in a circumferential displacement by the bearing load; therefore, the loss of interference
of the ring relative to the shaft if the interference should be estimated using the following equations: & d≥0.02 Fr 10–3 . . . . . . . . . . (N)¹
fit is not sufficiently tight. When creep occurs, the B º . . . . . . . (9.2)
fitted surfaces become abraded, causing wear and d 10 –3 . . . . . . . . (N)¹ where & d : Effective interference (mm)
considerable damage to the shaft. Abnormal heating & dF = 0.08 B Fr Fr 10–3 . . . . . . . . . {kgf}» & d a : Apparent interference (mm)
and vibration may also occur due to abrasive metallic & dF = 0.25 B d : Bearing nominal bore diameter (mm)
particles entering the interior of the bearing. º . . . (9.1) & d≥0.2
It is important to prevent creep by having sufficient According to Equations (9.4) and (9.5), the effective
interference to firmly secure that ring which rotates d Fr 10 –3 . . . . . {kgf}» interference of bearings with a bore diameter of 30 to
to either the shaft or housing. Creep cannot always B 150 mm is about 95% of the apparent interference.
be eliminated using only axial tightening through where & d : Effective interference (mm)
the bearing ring faces. Generally, it is not necessary, Fr : Radial load applied on bearing (5) Fitting Stress and Ring Expansion and
however, to provide interference for rings subjected where & d F : Interference decrease of inner ring (N), {kgf} Contraction
only to stationary loads. Fits are sometimes made (mm) B : Nominal inner ring width (mm)
without any interference for either the inner or outer When bearings are mounted with interference on
ring, to accommodate certain operating conditions, or d : Bearing bore diameter (mm) (3) Interference Variation Caused by Temperature a shaft or in a housing, the rings either expand or
to facilitate mounting and dismounting. In this case, B : Nominal inner ring width (mm) Difference between Bearing and Shaft or contract and stress is produced. Excessive interference
to prevent damage to the fitting surfaces due to creep, Fr : Radial load applied on bearing Housing may damage the bearings; therefore, as a general
lubrication of other applicable methods should be guide, the maximum interference should be kept under
considered. (N), {kgf} The effective interference decreases due to the approximately 7/10 000 of the shaft diameter.
increasing bearing temperature during operation. If The pressure between fitted surfaces, expansion or
Table 9.1 Loading Conditions and Fits the temperature difference between the bearing and contraction of the rings, and circumferential stress
housing is & T (°C), then the temperature difference may be calculated using the equations in Section 15.2,
Bearing Operation Fitting between the fitted surfaces of the shaft and inner ring Fitting(1) (Pages A130 and A131).
is estimated to be about (0.1~0.15) & T in case that
the shaft is cooled. The decrease in the interference of 9.1.3 Recommended Fits
the inner ring due to this temperature difference & d T
may be calculated using Equation (9.3): As described previously, many factors, such as
the characteristics and magnitude of bearing load,
Load Application Inner Ring Outer Ring Load Inner Ring Outer Ring & d T = (0.10 to 0.15) × & T⋅α⋅d temperature differences, means of bearing mounting
Conditions H0.0015& T ⋅ d × 10–3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9.3) and dismounting, must be considered when selecting
Load the proper fit.
Stationary Rotating Stationary Rotating where & d T : Decrease in interference of inner ring If the housing is thin or the bearing is mounted on a
Stationary Rotating Inner Ring due to temperature difference (mm) hollow shaft, a tighter than usual fit is necessary. A
Load Rotating Tight Fit Loose Fit split housing often deforms the bearing into an oval
Load & T : Temperature difference between bearing shape; therefore, a split housing should be avoided
interior and surrounding parts (°C) when a tight fit with the outer ring is required.
Stationary The fits of both the inner and outer rings should be
Outer Ring α : Coefficient of linear expansion of tight in applications where the shaft is subjected to
bearing steel=12.5×10–6 (1/°C) considerable vibration.
Load The recommended fits for some common applications
d : Bearing nominal bore diameter (mm) are shown in Table 9.2 to 9.7. In the case of unusual
operating conditions, it is advisable to consult NSK.
Stationary Rotating Rotating In addition, depending on the temperature difference For the accuracy and surface finish of shafts and
Rotating Stationary Outer Ring between the outer ring and housing, or difference in housings, please refer to Section 11.1 (Page A100).
their coefficients of linear expansion, the interference
Load may increase.
Load Stationary Stationary Loose Fit Tight Fit (4) Effective Interference and Finish of Shaft and
Inner Ring Tight Fit Housing
Rotating Load Since the roughness of fitted surfaces is reduced
during fitting, the effective interference becomes
Direction of load indeterminate due to less than the apparent interference. The amount of
variation of direction or unbalanced load this interference decrease varies depending on the
A 82 Rotating or Rotating or Direction of Load Tight Fit
Stationary Stationary Indeterminate
A 83