Page 46 - NSK_CAT_E1102m_A7-141
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Rolling bearings usually retain some internal clearance    10.2.2 Constant-Pressure Preload                            10.3.2 Constant-Pressure Preload and Rigidity                              In the case of a constant-pressure preload, it
while in operation. In some cases, however, it is          A constant pressure preload is achieved using a coil                                                                                   is possible to minimize any change in the preload
desirable to provide a negative clearance to kee„p         or leaf spring to impose a constant preload. Even if        A preload diagram for duplex bearings under a                              because the variation of the spring load with shaft
them internally stressed. This is called “preloading .     the relative position of the bearings changes during        constant-pressure preload is shown in Fig. 10.5. The                       expansion and contraction is negligible. From the
A preload is usually applied to bearings in which the      operation, the magnitude of the preload remains             deflection curve of the spring is nearly parallel to the                   foregoing explanation, it is seen that position preloads
clearance can be adjusted during mounting, such as         relatively constant (refer to Fig. 10.2)                    horizontal axis because the rigidity of springs is lower                   are generally preferred for increasing rigidity and
angular contact ball bearings or tapered roller bearings.                                                              than that of the bearing. As a result, the rigidity under                  constant-pressure preloads are more suitable for high
Usually, two bearings are mounted face-to-face or                               Fig. 10.1 Position Preload             a constant-pressure preload is approximately equal to                      speed applications, for prevention of axial vibration, for
back-to-back to form a duplex set with a preload.                                                                      that for a single bearing with a preload Fa 0 applied                      use with thrust bearings on horizontal shafts, etc.
                                                                                                                       to it. Fig. 10.6 presents a comparison of the rigidity
10.1 Purpose of Preload                                                                                                of a bearing with a position preload and one with a                        Axial Load                     Bearing A
                                                                                                                       constant-pressure preload.                                                                  δa
The main purposes and some typical applications of
preloaded bearings are as follows:                                        Fig. 10.2 Constant-Pressure Preload          10.4 Selection of Preloading Method and                                                         Fa
                                                                                                                              Amount of Preload
(1) To maintain the bearings in exact position both        10.3 Preload and Rigidity                                                                                                                                   Fa 0
    radially and axially and to maintain the running                                                                   10.4.1 Comparison of Preloading Methods
    accuracy of the shaft.                                 10.3.1 Position Preload and Rigidity                                                                                                   δa0                 Axial Displacement
    ...Main shafts of machine tools, precision             When the inner rings of the duplex bearings shown           A comparison of the rigidity using both preloading                              δaA
    instruments, etc.                                      in Fig.10.3 are fixed axially, bearings A and B are         methods is shown in Fig. 10.6. The position preload
                                                                                                                       and constant-pressure preload may be compared as
(2) To increase bearing rigidity                           displaced δ a0 and axial space 2δ a0 between the inner      follows:
    ...Main shafts of machine tools, pinion shafts of
    final drive gears of automobiles, etc.                 rings is eliminated. With this condition, a preload Fa0 is  (1) When both of the preloads are equal, the position
                                                           imposed on each bearing. A preload diagram showing              preload provides greater bearing rigidity, in other
(3) To minimize noise due to axial vibration and           bearing rigidity, that is the relation between load and         words, the deflection due to external loads is less
    resonance                                              displacement with a given axial load Fa imposed on a            for bearings with a position preload.
    ...Small electric motors, etc.                         duplex set, is shown in Fig. 10.4.
                                                                                                                       (2) In the case of a position preload, the preload
(4) To prevent sliding between the rolling elements and                                                                    varies depending on such factors as a difference
    raceways due to gyroscopic moments                                                                                     in axial expansion due to a temperature difference
    ...High speed or high acceleration applications                                                                        between the shaft and housing, a difference in
    of angular contact ball bearings, and thrust ball                                                                      radial expansion due to a temperature difference
    bearings                                                                                                               between the inner and outer rings, deflection due to
                                                                                                                           load, etc.
(5) To maintain the rolling elements in their proper
    position with the bearing rings                                                                                                                                                               Fig. 10.5 Axial Displacement with Constant-Pressure Preload
    ...Thrust ball bearings and spherical thrust roller
    bearings mounted on a horizontal shaft                                                                             Bearing B          Axial Load               Bearing A
10.2 Preloading Methods
                                                                   Bearing Bearing                                                                                                                Axial Load
10.2.1 Position Preload                                               AB                                                                                                                                   PBoesiatirionngPrwietlhoad

A position preload is achieved by fixing two axially       Fa Fa0                   Fa 0                                                                              Fa                                               CoBBeneasatrriiannntgg-PwwirittehhsosuutrePrPerleolaodad
opposed bearings in such a way that a preload is                                                                                                                             Fa A
imposed on them. Their position, once fixed, remain
unchanged while in operation.                                                                                                     Fa 0
In practice, the following three methods are generally
used to obtain a position preload.                                                                                                                              Fa B

(1) By installing a duplex bearing set with previously                          δ a0 δ a0                                           δ aA                  δ aB  Axial Displacement                δa
    adjusted stand-out dimensions (see Page A7, Fig.       Fig. 10.3 Back-to-Back Duplex Bearing Preload                          δa0                 δa0                                         δa
    1.1) and axial clearance.
                                                                                                                        Fa : Axial load applied from outside     δ a : Displacement of duplex                  δa  Fa
(2) By using a spacer or shim of proper size to obtain                                                                 Fa A: Axial load imposed on Bearing A           bearing set
    the required spacing and preload. (Refer to Fig.                                                                   FaB: Axial load imposed on Bearing B
    10.1)                                                                                                                                                       δa A : Displacement of Bearing A
                                                                                                                                                                δ aB : Displacement of Bearing B  Axial Displacement
(3) By utilizing bolts or nuts to allow adjustment of
    the axial preload. In this case, the starting torque
    should be measured to verify the proper preload.

                                                                                                                       Fig. 10.4 Axial Displacement with Position Preload                         Fig. 10.6 Comparison of Rigidities and Preloading Methods

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