Page 47 - NSK_CAT_E1102m_A7-141
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10.4.2 Amount of Preload                                               Table 10. 1 Recommended Fitting for                         (2) Preload of Thrust Ball Bearings                                                            (3) Preload of Spherical Thrust Roller Bearings
                                                                                      High Accuracy Duplex
If the preload is larger than necessary, abnormal heart                               Angular Contact Ball                         When the balls in thrust ball bearings rotate at relatively                                    When spherical thrust roller bearings are used, damage
generation, increased frictional torque, reduced fatigue                              Bearings with Preload                        high speeds, sliding due to gyroscopic moments on the                                          such as scoring may occur due to sliding between the
life, etc. may occur. The amount of the preload should                                                                             balls may occur. The larger of the two values obtained                                         rollers and outer ring raceway. The minimum axial load
be carefully determined considering the operating                                                                                  from Equations(10.1) and (10.2) below should be                                                Fa min necessary to prevent such sliding is obtained
conditions and the purpose of the preload.                                                                                         adopted as the minimum axial load in order to prevent                                          from the following equation:
                                                                                                                                   such sliding
(1) Preloading of Duplex Angular Contact Ball                                                                       Units : μ m
     Bearings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                C0a
                                                                       Nominal Bore                    Nominal Outside                       C0a           n 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(10.1)              Fa min =  1000  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10.3)
Average preloads for duplex angular contact ball                                                              Dia.                           100
bearings (contact angle of 15°) with precision better                  Dia. d (mm)                                                                        Nmax
than P5 class, which are used on the main shafts of                                      Target Shaft      D (mm)        Target    ( )Fa min =
machine tools, are listed in Table 10.2.                               over incl.        Interference                   Housing
The recommended fitting between the shaft and inner                                                     over incl.      Clearance
ring and between the housing and outer ring are listed                                                                                            C0a
in Table 10.1. In the case of fits with housings, the                  ⎯ 18 0 to 2.5                   ⎯ 18             ⎯          Fa min =      1000     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10.2)
lower limit of the fitting range should be selected for
fixed-end bearings and the upper limit for free-end                    18 30 0 to 2.5 18 30 2 to 6
As a general rule, an extra light or light preload should              30 50 0 to 2.5 30 50 2 to 6                                 where  Fa min : Minimum axial load (N), {kgf}
be selected for grinding spindles and the main shafts
of machining centers, while a medium preload should                     50 80            0 to 3.5       50 80           3 to 8                n : Speed (min–1)
be adopted for the main shafts of lathes requiring                      80 120           0 to 4.5       80 120          3 to 9
rigidity.                                                              120 150                         120 150          4 to 12             C 0a : Basic static load rating (N), {kgf}
                                                                                            ⎯                                             Nmax : Limiting speed (oil lubrication) (min–1)
When speeds result in a value of Dpw× n (dmn value)
                                                                       150 180 ⎯ 150 180 4 to 12
higher than 500000, the preload should be very                         180 250 ⎯ 180 250 5 to 15
carefully studied and selected. In such a case, please
consult with NSK beforehand.                                                             Table 10. 2 Preloads for Duplex           Angular Contact Ball Bearings
                                                                                                         Table 10. 2. 2 Duplex
                          Table 10. 2. 1 Duplex Bearings of Series 79                                                              Bearings of Series 70                                                                          Table 10. 2. 3 Duplex Bearings of Series 72
                                                                              Units : N                                                                   Units : N                                                                                                                    Units : N

                                 Preloads                                Heavy                                                                                                                                                                    Preloads                       Heavy
                                                                       Preload H                                                                                                                                                                                               Preload H
Bearing  Extra light    Light               Medium                                       Bearing       Extra light        Light     Medium                  Heavy    Bearing  Extra light                                           Light                    Medium
  No.    Preload EL   Preload L            Preload M                         59            No.         Preload EL       Preload L  Preload M              Preload H    No.    Preload EL                                          Preload L                 Preload M               150
                                                                             78                                                                                                                                                                                                     200
7900 C           7    15 29                                                100           7000 C              12              25           49 100                     7200 C         14                                                      29 69                                   200
7901 C           8.6  15 39                                                              7001 C              12              25           59 120                     7201 C         19                                                      39 100
7902 C         12     25 49                                                120           7002 C              14              29           69 150                     7202 C         19                                                      39 100                                  290
                                                                           150                                                                                                                                                                                                      390
7903 C         12     25 59                                                200           7003 C              14              29            69 150                    7203 C         24                                                      49 150                                  390
7904 C         19     39 78                                                              7004 C              24              49           120 250                    7204 C         34                                                      69 200
7905 C         19     39 100                                               200           7005 C              29              59           150 290                    7205 C         39                                                      78 200                                  590
                                                                           290                                                                                                                                                                                                      780
7906 C         24     49 100                                               390           7006 C              39              78           200 390                    7206 C         60                                                      120 290                                 980
7907 C         34     69 150                                                             7007 C              60             120           250 490                    7207 C         75                                                      150 390
7908 C         39     78 200                                               390           7008 C              60             120           290 590                    7208 C       100                                                       200 490                              1 080
                                                                           490                                                                                                                                                                                                   1 180
7909 C         50     100 200                                              590           7009 C              75             150           340 690                    7209 C       125                                                       250 540                              1 570
7910 C         50     100 250                                                            7010 C              75             150           390 780                    7210 C       125                                                       250 590
7911 C         60     120 290                                              590           7011 C            100              200           490 980                    7211 C       145                                                       290 780                              1 860
                                                                           690                                                                                                                                                                                                   2 160
7912 C         60     120 290                                              980           7012 C            100              200           540 1 080                  7212 C       195                                                       390 930                              2 350
7913 C         75     150 340                                                            7013 C            125              250           540 1 080                  7213 C       220                                                       440 1 080
7914 C       100      200 490                                              980           7014 C            145              290           740 1 470                  7214 C       245                                                       490 1 180                            2 450
                                                                           980                                                                                                                                                                                                   2 750
7915 C       100      200 490                                            1 270           7015 C            145              290           780 1 570                  7215 C       270                                                       540 1 230                            3 330
7916 C       100      200 490                                                            7016 C            195              390           930 1 860                  7216 C       295                                                       590 1 370
7917 C       145      290 640                                            1 470           7017 C            195              390           980 1 960                  7217 C       345                                                       690 1 670                            3 730
                                                                         1 570                                                                                                                                                                                                   4 120
7918 C       145      290 740                                            1 770           7018 C            245              490           1 180           2 350      7218 C       390                                                       780 1 860                            4 710
7919 C       145      290 780                                                            7019 C            270              540           1 180           2 350      7219 C       440                                                       880 2 060
7920 C       195      390 880                                                            7020 C            270              540           1 270           2 550      7220 C       490                                                       980 2 350

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