Page 48 - NSK_CAT_E1102m_A7-141
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11.1 Accuracy and Surface Finish of Shafts                             11.2 Shoulder and Fillet Dimensions                       Table 11. 2 Recommended Minimum Shoulder Heights for
       and Housings                                                                                                                            Use with Metric Series Radial Bearings
                                                                       The shoulders of the shaft or housing in contact with
If the accuracy of a shaft or housing does not meet the                the face of a bearing must be perpendicular to the                                                                     Units : mm
specification, the performance of the bearings will be                 shaft center line. (Refer to Table 11.1) The front face
affected and they will not provide their full capability.              side shoulder bore of the housing for a tapered roller    Nominal                Shaft or Housing
For example, inaccuracy in the squareness of the shaft                 bearing should be parallel with the bearing axis in       Chamfer
shoulder may cause misalignment of the bearing inner                   order to avoid interference with the cage.                Dimensions  Fillet     Minimun Shoulder Heights                          hr         ra          hr          rg
and outer rings, which may reduce the bearing fatigue                  The fillets of the shaft and housing should not come in               Radius                h (min.)
life by adding an edge load in addition to the normal                  contact with the bearing chamfer; therefore, the fillet                                                                             (min.)   r             (min.)  r
load. Cage fracture and seizure sometimes occur for                                                                                                     Deep Groove Ball     Angular Contact                                                          t
this same reason. Housings should be rigid in order                    radius ra must be smaller than the minimum bearing                               Bearings,            Ball Bearings,                        (min.)                 (min.)
to provide firm bearing support. High rigidity housings                chamfer dimension r or r1 .                               r (min.)               Self-Aligning Ball   Tapered Roller
are advantageous also from he standpoint of noise,                                                                                           ra (max.)  Bearings,            Bearings, Spherical                      (a)                  b
load distribution, etc.                                                                                                             or                  Cylindrical Roller   Roller Bearings                                              (b)
For normal operating conditions, a turned finish or                                                                                                     Bearings,
smooth bored finish is sufficient for the fitting surface;                                                                       r1 (min.)              Solid Needle Roller
however, a ground finish is necessary for applications                                                                                                  Bearings
where vibration and noise must be low or where heavy                          Housing                                                                                                                     Fig. 11. 2 Chamfer Dimensions, Fillet Radius, and
loads are applied.                                                                          r(min.) or r1(min.)                  0.05        0.05       0.2                  —                            Fig.11. 2 Shoulder Height
In cases where two or more bearings are mounted in                     r(min.) or r1(min.)                                       0.08        0.08       0.3                  —
one single-piece housing, the fitting surfaces of the                                                                            0.1         0.1        0.4                  —
housing bore should be designed so both bearing seats
may be finished together with one operation such as in                            ra            h                                0.15 0.15              0.6                  —
-line boring. In the case of split housings, care must                                                                           0.2 0.2                0.8                  —
be taken in the fabrication of the housing so the outer                  Bearing                h                                0.3 0.3                1                    1.25
ring will not become deformed during installation. The                                       r(min.)
accuracy and surface finish of shafts and housings are                            ra        or r1(min.)                          0.6 0.6                2                    2.5                                           Table 11. 3 Shaft Undercut
listed in Table 11.1 for normal operating conditions.                   r(min.)                                                  11                     2.5                  3                                                                                       Units : mm
                                                                       or r1(min.)                                               1.1 1                  3.25                 3.5

                                                                                                                                 1.5 1.5                4                    4.5                          Chamfer Dimensions          Undercut Dimensions
                                                                                                                                 22                     4.5                  5                            of Inner and
                                                                                                                                 2.1 2                  5.5                  6                            Outer Rings            t rg b

                                                                                                                                 2.5 2                  —                    6                             r (min.) or r1(min.)
                                                                                                                                 3 2.5                  6.5                  7
                                                                       Shaft                                                     43                     8                    9                                     1 0.2 1.3 2

                                                                                                                                 54                     10                   11                                    1.1 0.3 1.5 2.4
                                                                                                                                 65                     13                   14
Table 11. 1 Accuracy and Roughness of Shaft and                                                                                  7.5 6                  16                   18                                    1.5           0.4 2            3.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2 0.5 2.5 4
Item              Class of          Shaft Housing Bore                     Fig. 11.1 Chamfer Dimensions, Fillet Radius of         9.5 8                 20                   22                                    2.1 0.5 2.5 4
                  Bearings                                                                                                       12 10                  24                   27                                    2.5 0.5 2.5 4
                                                                           Fig.11.1 Shaft and Housing, and Shoulder Height       15 12                  29                   32
                  Normal, Class 6   I T3  to    I T4  I T4  to   I T5                                                            19 15                  38                   42                                    3             0.5 3            4.7
                  Class 5, Class 4   2           2     2          2    The shoulder heights for both shafts and housings for
Tolerance for                                                          radial bearings should be sufficient to provide good                                                                                        4             0.5 4            5.9
Out-of-roundness                                                       support over the face of the bearings, but enough
                                    I T2        I T3  I T2       I T3  face should extend beyond the shoulder to permit          Remarks     1. When heavy axial loads are applied, the shoulder                   5             0.6 5            7.4
                                     2           2     2          2    use of special dismounting tools. The recommended                        height must be sufficiently higher than the
                                          to                to         minimum shoulder heights for metric series radial         Remarks        values listed.                                                     6             0.6 6            8.6
                                                                       bearings are listed in Table 11.2                         Remarks
                                    I T3        I T4  I T4       I T5  Nominal dimensions associated with bearing mounting                   2. The fillet radius of the corner is also applicable                 7.5           0.6 7            10
                                     2           2     2          2    are listed in the bearing tables including the proper                    to thrust bearings.
                  Normal, Class 6         to                to         shoulder diameters. Sufficient shoulder height is
                                                                       particularly important for supporting the side ribs of                3. The shoulder diameter is listed instead of
Tolerance for                       I T2        I T3  I T2       I T3  tapered roller bearings and cylindrical roller bearings                  shoulder height in the bearing tables.
Cylindricality                       2           2     2          2    subjected to high axial loads.

                  Class 5, Class 4        to                to         The values of h and ra in Table 11.2 should be adopted

Tolerance for     Normal, Class 6         I T3        I T3 to I T4     in those cases where the fillet radius of the shaft or
                                          I T3            I T3         housing is as shown in Fig. 11.2 (a), while the values
Shoulder Runout Class 5, Class 4                                       in Table 11.3 are generally used with an undercut fillet
                                                                       radius produced when grinding the shaft as shown in
Roughness of      Small Bearings          0.8               1.6        Fig. 11.2 (b).
                  Large Bearings          1.6               3.2
Fitting Surfaces

  Remarks This table is for general recommendation using                                                                                                                                                                                                   A 101
               radius measuring method, the basic tolerance (I T)
               class should be selected in accordance with the
               bearing precision class. Regarding the figures of IT,
               please refer to the Appendix Table 11 (page C22).

  Remarks In cases that the outer ring is mounted in the
               housing bore with interference or that a thin cross-
               section bearing is mounted on a shaft and housing,
               the accuracy of the shaft and housing should
               be higher since this affects the bearing raceway

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