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For thrust bearings, the squareness and contact area   11.3 Bearing Seals                                          (2) Flinger (Slinger) Type Seals                            (3) Labyrinth Seals
of the supporting face for the bearing rings must
be adequate. In the case of thrust ball bearings, the  To insure the longest possible life of a bearing, it may    A flinger is designed to force water and dust away          Labyrinth seals are formed by interdigitated segments
housing shoulder diameter Da should be less than       be necessary to provide seals to prevent leakage of         by means of the centrifugal force acting on any             attached to the shaft and housing that are separated
the pitch circle diameter of the balls, and the shaft  lubricant and entry of dust, water and other harmful        contaminants on the shaft. Sealing mechanisms with          by a very small gap. They are particularly suitable for
shoulder diameter da should be greater than the pitch  material like metallic particles. The seals must be free    flingers inside the housing as shown in Fig. 11.6 (a),      preventing oil leakage from the shaft at high speeds.
circle diameter of the balls (Fig. 11.3).              from excessive running friction and the probability of      (b) are mainly intended to prevent oil leakage, and         The type shown in Fig. 11.7 (a) is widely used because
For thrust roller bearings, it is advisable for the    seizure. They should also be easy to assemble and           are used in environments with relatively little dust.       of its ease of assembly, but those shown in Fig. 11.7
full contact length between rollers and rings to be    disassemble. It is necessary to select a suitable seal for  Dust and moisture are prevented from entering by the        (b), (c) have better seal effectiveness.
supported by the shaft and housing shoulder (Fig.      each application considering the lubricating method.        centrifugal force of flingers shown in Figs 11.6 (c), (d).
These diameters da and Da are listed in the bearing    11.3.1 Non-Contact Type Seals                               Table 11. 4 Gaps between Shafts and                              Table 11. 5 Labyrinth Seal Gaps
tables.                                                                                                                           Housings for                                                                                    Units : mm
                                                       Various sealing devices that do not contact the                            Oil-Groove Type Seals
                             jd a                      shaft, such as oil grooves, flingers, and labyrinths,
                                                       are available. Satisfactory sealing can usually                                                        Units : mm
                             jDa                       be obtained with such seals because of their close
            Fig. 11.3 Face Supporting Diameters        running clearance. Centrifugal force may also assist in                                                                                         Labyrinth Gaps
            Fig. 11. 3 for Thrust Ball Bearings        preventing internal contamination and leakage of the
                                                       lubricant.                                                  Nominal Shaft Diameter  Radial Gap                          Nominal Shaft Diameter
                                                       (1) Oil Groove Seals                                                                                                                            Radial Gap        Axiall Gap
            Fig. 11.4 Face Supporting Diameters        The effectiveness of oil groove seals is obtained by        Under 50                0.25 to 0.4
            Fig. 11.4 for Thrust Roller Bearings       means of the small gap between the shaft and housing
                                                       bore and by multiple grooves on either or both of the                                                                   Under 50                0.25 to 0.4       1 to 2
                                                       housing bore and shaft surface (Fig. 11.5 (a), (b)).
                                                       Since the use of oil grooves alone is not completely        50-200                  0.5 to 1.5
                                                       effective, except at low speeds, a flinger or labyrinth
                                                       type seal is often combined with an oil groove seal                                                                     50-200                  0.5 to 1.5        2 to 5
                                                       (Fig. 11.5 (c)). The entry of dust is impeded by packing
                                                       grease with a consistency of about 200 into the
                                                       The smaller the gap between the shaft and housing,
                                                       the greater the sealing effect; however, the shaft and
                                                       housing must not come in contact while running. The
                                                       recommended gaps are given in Table 11.4.
                                                       The recommended groove width is approximately 3 to
                                                       5mm, with a depth of about 4 to 5mm. In the case of
                                                       sealing methods using grooves only, there should be
                                                       three or more grooves.

                                                                                                                   (a) (b)                                                     (c)                                  (d)

                                                                                                                                           Fig. 11.6 Examples of Flinger Configurations

                          (a)                      (b)            (c)
A 102                          Fig. 11.5 Examples of Oil Grooves
                                                                                                                   (a) Axial Labyrinth            (b) Radial Labyrinth                                 (c) Labyrinth for Self-Aligning Shaft
                                                                                                                                           Fig. 11.7 Examples of Labyrinth Designs                                                       A 103
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