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12.3 Lubricants                                                                                                   Table 12.2     Grease Properties

12.3.1 Lubricating Grease                                     Name                            Lithium Grease                     Sodium Grease Calcium Grease          Mixed Base            Complex Base               Non-Soap Base Grease
                                                              (Popular                                                                                                   Grease                  Grease                   (Non-Soap Grease)
Grease is a semi-solid lubricant consisting of base oil,      name)                                                              (Fiber Grease)     (Cup Grease)
a thickener and additives. The main types and general                                                                                                                                      (Complex Grease)
properties of grease are shown in Table 12.2. It should
be remembered that different brands of the same type          Thickener                                                                                                Na + Ca Soap,       Ca Complex Soap,  Urea, Bentonite, Carbon Black, Fluoric
of grease may have different properties.                                                                                                                               Li + Ca Soap,       Al Complex Soap,  Compounds, Heat Resistant Organic
                                                                                              Li Soap                             Na Soap            Ca Soap           etc.                Li Complex Soap,  Compound, etc.
(1) Base Oil                                                                                                                                                                               etc.
                                                                        Base    Mineral Oil   Diester Oil,      Silicone Oil     Mineral Oil        Mineral Oil          Mineral Oil                         Mineral Oil   Synthetic Oil (Ester Oil,
Mineral oils or synthetic oils such as silicone or diester              Oil                   Polyatomic                         170 to 210         70 to 90                                   Mineral Oil                 Polyatomic Ester Oil,
oil are mainly used as the base oil for grease. The                                           Ester Oil                                                                  160 to 190                                        Synthetic Hydrocarbon
lubricating properties of grease depend mainly on the         Properties                                                                                                                                                   Oil, Silicone Oil, Fluoric
characteristics of its base oil. Therefore, the viscosity                                                                                                                                                                  Based Oil)
of the base oil is just as important when selecting
grease as when selecting an oil. Usually, grease made         Dropping          170 to 195    170 to 195        200 to 210                                                                 180 to 300           > 230      > 230
with low viscosity base oils is more suitable for high        Point,°C          –20 to +110   –50 to +130       –50 to +160
speeds and low temperatures, while greases made                                                                                  –20 to +130        –20 to +60         –20 to +80          –20 to +130 –10 to +130         < +220
with high viscosity base oils are more suited for high        Working                 70           100                60
temperatures and heavy loads.                                 Temperatures, °C      Good          Good              Good         70 40 70 70 70 40 to 100
However, the thickener also influences the lubricating                               Fair          Fair              Poor
properties of grease; therefore, the selection criteria for   Working                             Good              Good         Good               Poor               Good                Good                 Good       Good
grease is not the same as for lubricating oil. Moreover,      Speed, %(1)
please be aware that ester-based grease will cause                                                                                       Fair       Poor               Fair to Good           Fair to Good      Fair Fair
acrylic rubber material to swell, and that silicone-based     Mechanical                                                                            Good
grease will cause silicone-based material to swell.           Stability                                                                 Poor        Good               Poor for Na                Good
                                                                                                                                                                       Soap Grease
(2) Thickener                                                 Pressure                                                             Poor to Good                                               Fair to Good
                                                              Resistance                                                                                               Fair to Good
As thickeners for lubricating grease, there are several                                                                          Long and short                                            Suitable
types of metallic soaps, inorganic thickeners such as         Water Resistance  Good                                             fiber types are                                           for extreme          Good       Good
silica gel and bentonite, and heat resisting organic                                                                             available. Long                                           pressures
thickeners such as polyurea and fluoric compounds.            Rust Prevention   Good          Good              Poor             fiber grease is                                           mechanically      Fair to Good  Fair to Good
The type of thickener is closely related to the grease                                                                           unsuitable for                                            stable
dropping point (1); generally, grease with a high                               General       Good low          Mainly for high  high speeds.     Extreme pressure     Often used for                        Mineral oil base grease is middle
dropping point also has a high temperature capability                           purpose       temperature       temperature      Attention to     grease containing    roller bearings                       and high temperature purpose
during operation. However, this type of grease                                  grease used   and torque        applications.    water and high   high viscosity       and large ball                        lubricant. Synthetic oil base grease
does not have a high working temperature unless                                 for numerous  characteristics.  Unsuitable       temperature is   mineral oil and      bearing.                              is recommended for low or high
the base oil is heat-resistant. The highest possible                            applications  Often used for    for bearings     requred.         extreme pressure                                           temperature. Some silicone and
working temperature for grease should be determined                                           small motors      for high and                      additive (Pb                                               fluoric oil based grease have poor
considering the heat resistance of the base oil.              Remarks                         and instrument    low speeds or                     soap, etc.) has                                            rust prevention and noise.
The water resistance of grease depends upon the type                                          bearings. Pay     heavy loads or                    high pressure
of thickener. Sodium soap grease or compound grease                                           attention to      those having                      resistance.
containing sodium soap emulsifies when exposed                                                rust caused       numerous
to water or high humidity, and therefore, cannot be                                           by insulation     sliding-contact
used where moisture is prevalent. Moreover, please be                                         varnish.          areas (roller
aware that urea-based grease will cause fluorine-based                                                          bearings, etc.)
material to deteriorate.
                                                              Note (1) The values listed are percentages of the limiting         Remarks The grease properties shown here can vary between brands.
  Note (1) The grease dropping point is that temperature                   speeds given in the bearing tables.
               at which a grease heated in a specified small
               container becomes sufficiently fluid to drip.                                                                                                           Table 12.3 Consistency and Working Conditions

                                                              (3) Additives                                                      Consistency              0                             1                    2             3                           4
                                                              Grease often contains various additives such
                                                              as antioxidants, corrosion inhibitors, and extreme                 Consistency(1)     355 to 385               310 to 340                     265 to 295     220 to 250                  175 to 205
                                                              pressure additives to give it special properties. It is            1/10 mm
                                                              recommended that extreme pressure additives be
                                                              used in heavy load applications. For long use without              Working            ·For centralized   ·For centralized          ·For general use          ·For general use            ·For high
                                                              replenishment, an antioxidant should be added.                     Conditions         oiling             oiling                                                                          temperatures
                                                                                                                                 (Application)                                                   ·For sealed ball          ·For sealed ball
                                                              (4) Consistency                                                                       ·When fretting is  ·When fretting is         bearings                  bearings                    ·For grease seals
                                                                                                                                                    likely to occur    likely to occur                                     ·For high
                                                              Consistency indicates the “softness” of grease. Table                                                                                                        temperatures
                                                              12.3 shows the relation between consistency and                                                          ·For low
                                                              working conditions.                                                                                      temperatures

                                                                                                                                 Note (1) Consistency: The depth to which a cone descends into grease when a specified weight is applied, indicated in units
                                                                                                                                            of 1/10mm. The larger the value, the softer the grease.

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