Page 56 - NSK_CAT_E1102m_A7-141
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14.1 Precautions for Proper Handling of                    After the bearings are cleaned with filtered oil, they                 Fig. 14.1 Press Fitting Inner Ring                            (2) Shrink Fits
       Bearings                                            should be protected to prevent corrosion.                                                                                            Since press fitting large bearings requires a large force,
                                                           Prelubricated bearings must be used without cleaning.        Fig. 14.2 Simultaneous Press Fitting of Inner and Outer Rings           a shrink fit is widely used. The bearings are first heated
Since rolling bearings are high precision machine          Bearing mounting methods depend on the bearing type                                                                                  in oil to expand them before mounting.
parts, they must be handled accordingly. Even if high      and type of fit. As bearings are usually used on rotating    μm                                                                      This method prevents an excessive force from being
quality bearings are used, their expected performance      shafts, the inner rings require a tight fit.                                                                                         imposed on the bearings and allows mounting them in
cannot be achieved if they are not handled properly.       Bearings with cylindrical bores are usually mounted           240                                                                    a short time.
The main precautions to be observed are as follows:        by pressing them on the shafts (press fit) or heating        220 r6                                                                  The expansion of the inner ring for various temperature
                                                           them to expand their diameter (shrink fit). Bearings         Bore Expansion                                                          differences and bearing sizes is shown in Fig. 14.3.
(1) Keep Bearings and Surrounding Area Clean               with tapered bores can be mounted directly on tapered                   Temperatur&e6T0Di7=°ff0Ce8r°0eCn°ceC200                      The precautions to follow when making shrink fits are
                                                           shafts or cylindrical shafts using tapered sleeves.                                                                                  as follows:
Dust and dirt, even if invisible to the naked eye, have    Bearings are usually mounted in housings with a loose        180                                            50 °C           p6
harmful effects on bearings. It is necessary to prevent    fit. However, in cases where the outer ring has an           160                                              40 °C                  (a) Do not heat bearings to more than 120˚C.
the entry of dust and dirt by keeping the bearings and     interference fit, a press may be used. Bearings can be                                                                               (b) Put the bearings on a wire net or suspend them in
their environment as clean as possible.                    interference-fitted by cooling them before mounting          140                                              30 °C         n6
                                                           using dry ice. In this case, a rust preventive treatment     120                                                                         an oil tank in order to prevent them from touching
(2) Careful Handling                                       must be applied to the bearing because moisture in the                                                                                   the tank's bottom directly.
                                                           air condenses on its surface.                                100                                                     20 °C  m5       (c) Heat the bearings to a temperature 20 to 30˚C
Heavy shocks during handling may cause bearings to                                                                                                                                                  higher than the lowest temperature required for
be scratched or otherwise damaged possibly resulting       14.2.1 Mounting of Bearings with Cylindrical Bores           80 k5                                                                       mounting without interference since the inner ring
in their failure. Excessively strong impacts may cause                                                                                                                                              will cool a little during mounting.
brinelling, breaking, or cracking.                         (1) Press Fits                                                                                                                       (d) After mounting, the bearings will shrink in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    axial direction as well as the radial direction while
(3) Use Proper Tools                                       Fitting with a press is widely used for small bearings.                                                                                  cooling. Therefore, press the bearing firmly against
                                                           A mounting tool is placed on the inner ring as shown                                                                                     the shaft shoulder using locating methods to avoid
Always use the proper equipment when handling              in Fig. 14.1 and the bearing is slowly pressed on                                                                                        a clearance between the bearing and shoulder.
bearings and avoid general purpose tools.                  the shaft with a press until the side of the inner ring
                                                           rests against the shoulder of the shaft. The mounting                                                                                NSK Bearing Induction Heaters
(4) Prevent Corrosion                                      tool must not be placed on the outer ring for press                                                                                  Besides heating in oil, NSK Bearing Heaters, which
                                                           mounting, since the bearing may be damaged. Before                                                                                   use electromagnetic induction to heat bearings, are
Since perspiration on the hands and various other          mounting, applying oil to the fitted shaft surface is                                                                                widely used. (Refer to Page C7.)
contaminants may cause corrosion, keep the hands           recommended for smooth insertion. The mounting                                                                                       In NSK Bearing Heaters, electricity (AC) in a coil
clean when handling bearings. Wear gloves if possible.     method using a hammer should only be used for small                                                                                  produces a magnetic field that induces a current inside
Pay attention to rust of bearing caused by corrosive       ball bearings with minimally tight fits and when a press                                                                             the bearing that generates heat. Consequently, without
gasses.                                                    is not available. In the case of tight interference fits or                                                                          using flames or oil uniform heating in a short time is
                                                           for medium and large bearings, this method should not                                                                                possible, making bearing shrink fitting efficient and
14.2 Mounting                                              be used. Any time a hammer is used, a mounting tool                                                                                  clean.
                                                           must be placed on the inner ring.                                                                                                    In the case of relatively frequent mounting and
The method of mounting rolling bearings strongly           When both the inner and outer rings of non-separable                                                                                 dismounting such as cylindrical roller bearings for roll
affects their accuracy, life, and performance, so          bearings, such as deep groove ball bearings, require                                                                                 necks of rolling mills and for railway journal boxes,
their mounting deserves careful attention. Their           tight-fit, a mounting tool is placed on both rings as                                                                                induction heating should be used for mounting and
characteristics should first be thoroughly studied, and    shown in Fig. 14.2, and both rings are fitted at the                                                                                 dismounting inner rings.
then they should be mounted in the proper manner.          same time using a screw or hydraulic press. Since the
It is recommended that the handling procedures for         outer ring of self-aligning ball bearings may deflect a                                                                                                                                            A 117
bearings be fully investigated by the design engineers     mounting tool such as that shown in Fig. 14.2 should
and that standards be established with respect to the      always be used for mounting them.
following items:                                           In the case of separable bearings, such as cylindrical
                                                           roller bearings and tapered roller bearings, the inner
(1) Cleaning the bearings and related parts.               and outer rings may be mounted separately. Assembly
(2) Checking the dimensions and finish of related          of the inner and outer rings, which were previously
                                                           mounted separately, should be done carefully to align
    parts.                                                 the inner and outer rings correctly. Careless or forced
(3) Mounting                                               assembly may cause scratches on the rolling contact
(4) Inspection after mounting.                             surfaces.
(5) Supply of lubricants.
                                                                                                                        60 j5
Bearings should not be unpacked until immediately
before mounting. When using ordinary grease                                                                             40        180 250 315                                   400        500
lubrication, the grease should be packed in the                                                                         20                 Bore Diameter                                   mm
bearings without first cleaning them. Even in the case
of ordinary oil lubrication, cleaning the bearings is not                                                                 80 120
required. However, bearings for instruments or for
high speed operation must first be cleaned with clean                                                                   Fig. 14.3 Temperature and Thermal Expansion of Inner Ring
filtered oil in order to remove the anti-corrosion agent.

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