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14.2.2 Mounting of Bearings with Tapered Bores               become too tight and the true residual clearance may               Table 14.1 Mounting of Spherical Roller Bearings with Tapered Bores
                                                             become too small. In this case, as shown in Fig. 14.9.                                                                                                               Units : mm
Bearings with tapered bores are mounted on tapered
shafts directly or on cylindrical shafts with adapters       one half of the total clearance at points and b (which         Bearing Bore  Reduction in Radial     Push-in amount in axial direction    Minimum Permissible
or withdrawal sleeves (Figs. 14.4 and 14.5). Large                                                                            Diameter         Clearance                                                Residual Clearance
spherical roller bearings are often mounted using            are on a horizontal line passing through the
hydraulic pressure. Fig. 14.6 shows a bearing                                                                                    d        min.   max.              Taper 1 : 12          Taper 1 : 30   CN     C3
mounting utilizing a sleeve and hydraulic nut. Fig. 14.7     bearing center) and c (which is at the lowest position                                               min. max.
shows another mounting method. Holes are drilled in                                                                        over incl.     0.025  0.030                                 min. max.       0.010  0.025
the sleeve which are used to feed oil under pressure to      of the bearing) may be used as the residual clearance.                       0.030  0.035            0.40           0.45                  0.015  0.030
the bearing seat. As the bearing expands radially, the       When a self-aligning ball bearing is mounted on a shaft          30 40       0.030  0.035            0.45           0.55    −−            0.025  0.035
sleeve is inserted axially with adjusting bolts.             with an adapter, be sure that the residual clearance             40 50       0.040  0.045            0.45           0.55    −−            0.030  0.040
Spherical roller bearings should be mounted while            does not become too small. Sufficient clearance for              50 65                               0.60           0.70    −−
checking their radial-clearance reduction and referring      easy alignment of the outer ring must be allowed.                65 80                                                      −−
to the push-in amounts listed in Table 14.1. The radial
clearance must be measured using clearance gauges.           14.3 Operation Inspection                                     80 100 0.045 0.055 0.70 0.85 1.75 2.15 0.035 0.050
In this measurement, as shown in Fig. 14.8, the
clearance for both rows of rollers must be measured          After the mounting has been completed, a running              100 120 0.050 0.060 0.75 0.90 1.9                                 2.25 0.045 0.065
simultaneously, and these two values should be kept          test should be conducted to determine if the bearing
roughly the same by adjusting the relative position of       has been mounted correctly. Small machines may be             120 140 0.060 0.070 0.90 1.1                                2.25 2.75 0.055 0.080
the outer and inner rings.                                   manually operated to assure that they rotate smoothly.
When a large bearing is mounted on a shaft, the outer        Items to be checked include sticking due to foreign           140  160 0.065 0.080 1.0                              1.3   2.5   3.25      0.060  0.100
ring may be deformed into an oval shape by its own           matter or visible flaws, uneven torque caused by                                                                          2.75  3.5       0.070  0.110
weight. If the clearance is measured at the lowest part      improper mounting or an improper mounting surface,            160  180 0.070 0.090 1.1                              1.4   3.25  4.0       0.070  0.110
of the deformed bearing, the measured value may be           and excessive torque caused by an inadequate
bigger than the true value. If an incorrect radial internal  clearance, mounting error, or seal friction. If there are     180  200 0.080 0.100 1.3                              1.6
clearance is obtained in this manner and the values in       no abnormalities, powered operation may be started.
Table 14.1 are used, then the interference fit may                                                                         200  225 0.090 0.110 1.4                              1.7   3.5   4.25      0.080  0.130
                                                                                                                                                                                       4.0   4.75      0.090  0.140
                                                                                                                           225  250 0.100 0.120 1.6                              1.9   4.25  5.5       0.100  0.150

                                                                                                                           250  280 0.110 0.140 1.7                              2.2

                                                                                                                           280  315 0.120 0.150 1.9                              2.4   4.75  6.0       0.110  0.160
                                                                                                                                                                                       5.5   6.75      0.120  0.180
                                                                                                                           315  355 0.140 0.170 2.2                              2.7   6.0   7.5       0.130  0.200

                                                                                                                           355  400 0.150 0.190 2.4                              3.0

                                                                                                                           400  450 0.170 0.210 2.7                              3.3   6.75   8.25     0.140  0.220
                                                                                                                                                                                       7.5    9.25     0.160  0.240
                                                                                                                           450  500 0.190 0.240 3.0                              3.7   8.5   11.0      0.170  0.270

                                                                                                                           500  560 0.210 0.270 3.4                              4.3

                                                                                                                           560  630 0.230 0.300 3.7                              4.8   9.25 12.0       0.200 0.310

                                                                                                                           630  710 0.260 0.330 4.2                              5.3   10.5 13.0 0.220 0.330

                                                                                                                           710  800 0.280 0.370 4.5                              5.9   11.5 15.0 0.240 0.390

                                                                                                                           800  900 0.310 0.410 5.0                              6.6   12.5 16.5 0.280 0.430

                                                                                                                           900 1 000 0.340 0.460 5.5                             7.4   14.0 18.5 0.310 0.470

                                                                                                                           1 000 1 120 0.370 0.500 5.9                           8.0   15.0 20.0 0.360 0.530

                                                                                                                           Remarks The values for reduction in radial internal clearance are for bearings with CN clearance.
                                                                                                                                        For bearing with C3 Clearance,the maximum values listed should be used for the reduction
                                                                                                                                        in radial internal clearance.

Fig. 14.4 Mounting with Adapter                              Fig. 14.5 Mounting with Withdrawal Sleeve
                                                                                                                                                                                 Large machines, which cannot be turned by hand,
                                                                               CC                                       a           b     c                    c                 can be started after examination with no load, and the
                                                                                                                                c                                                power immediately cutoff and the machine allowed to
                                                                          Fig. 14.8 Clearance Measurement                                                                        coast to a stop. Confirm that there is no abnormality
         Fig. 14.6 Mounting with  Fig. 14.7 Mounting with Special Sleeve  Fig. 14.8 of Spherical Roller Bearing         Fig. 14.9 Measuring Clearance in Large Spherical Roller  such as vibration, noise, contact of rotating parts, etc.
         Fig. 14.6 Hydraulic Nut  Fig. 14.7 and Hydraulic Pressure                                                      Fig. 14.9 Bearing                                        Powered operation should be started slowly without
                                                                                                                                                                                 load and the operation should be observed carefully
A 118                                                                                                                                                                            until it is determined that no abnormalities exist, then
                                                                                                                                                                                 gradually increase the speed, load, etc. to their normal
                                                                                                                                                                                 levels. Items to be checked during the test operation
                                                                                                                                                                                 include the existence of abnormal noise, excessive rise
                                                                                                                                                                                 of bearing temperature, leakage and contamination of
                                                                                                                                                                                 lubricants, etc. If any abnormality is found during the
                                                                                                                                                                                 test operation, it must be stopped immediately and the
                                                                                                                                                                                 machine should be inspected. If necessary, the bearing
                                                                                                                                                                                 should be dismounted for examination.

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