Page 58 - NSK_CAT_E1102m_A7-141
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Although the bearing temperature can generally be                     mounting, or excessive friction of the seals.                             14.4 Dismounting                                            14.4.2 Dismounting of Bearings with Cylindrical
estimated by the temperature of the outside surface of                In the case of high speed operation, an incorrect                                                                                     Bores
the housing, it is more desirable to directly measure                 selection of bearing type or lubricating method may                       A bearing may be removed for periodic inspection or         If the mounting design allows space to press out the
the temperature of the outer ring using oil holes for                 also cause an abnormal temperature rise.                                  for other reasons. If the removed bearing is to be used     inner ring, this is an easy and fast method. In this
access.                                                               The sound of a bearing may be checked with a noise                        again or it is removed only for inspection, it should be    case, the withdrawal force should be imposed only on
The bearing temperature should rise gradually to                      locater or other instruments. Abnormal conditions are                     dismounted as carefully as when it was mounted. If the      the inner ring (Fig. 14.12). Withdrawal tools like those
the steady state level within one to two hours after                  indicated by a loud metallic sound, or other irregular                    bearing has a tight fit, its removal may be difficult. The  shown in Figs. 14.13 and 14.14 are often used.
the operation starts. If the bearing or its mounting                  noise, and the possible cause may include incorrect                       means for removal should be considered in the original
is improper, the bearing temperature may increase                     lubrication, poor alignment of the shaft and housing,                     design of the adjacent parts of the machine. When                                                                  Bolt
rapidly and become abnormally high. The cause of this                 or the entry of foreign matter into the bearing. The                      dismounting, the procedure and sequence of removal
abnormal temperature may be an excessive amount                       possible causes and measures for irregularities are                       should first be studied using the machine drawing                                                                     Plug
of lubricant, insufficient bearing clearance, incorrect               listed in Table 14.2.                                                     and considering the type of mounting fit in order to          Fig. 14.10 Removal of Outer Ring with Dismounting Bolts
                                                                                                                                                perform the operation properly.
                             Table 14. 2 Causes of and Measures for Operating Irregularities
                                                                                                                                                14.4.1 Dismounting of Outer Rings
Irregularities                           Possible Causes                                               Measures
                                                                                                                                                In order to remove an outer ring that is tightly fitted,
                             Abnormal Load                            Improve the fit, internal clearance, preload, position of housing         first place bolts in the push-out holes in the housing
                                                                      shoulder, etc.                                                            at several locations on its circumference as shown in
                                                                                                                                                Fig. 14.10, and remove the outer ring by uniformly
              Loud Metallic  Incorrect mounting                       Improve the machining accuracy and alignment of shaft and housing,        tightening the bolts. These bolt holes should always
                Sound (1)    Insufficient or improper Lubricant       accuracy of mounting method.                                              be fitted with blank plugs when not being used for
                                                                                                                                                dismounting. In the case of separable bearings, such
                                                                      Replenish the lubricant or select another lubricant.                      as tapered roller bearings, some notches should be
                                                                                                                                                made at several positions in the housing shoulder, as
                             Contact of rotating parts                Modify the labyrinth seal, etc.                                           shown in Fig. 14.11, so the outer ring may be pressed
                                                                                                                                                out using a dismounting tool or by tapping it.
Noise                        Flaws,corrosion,or scratches on          Replace or clean the bearing, improve the seals, and use clean
                             raceways                                 lubricant.
              Loud Regular
                  Sound      Brinelling                               Replace the bearing and use care when handling bearings.

                             Flaking on raceway                       Replace the bearing.

                             Excessive clearance                      Improve the fit, clearance and preload.

              Irregular      Penetration of foreign particles         Replace or clean the bearing, improve the seals, and use clean
               Sound                                                  lubricant.

                             Flaws or flaking on balls                Replace the bearing.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fig. 14.11 Removal Notches

                             Excessive amount of lubricant            Reduce amount of lubricant, select stiffer grease.

                             Insufficient or improper lubricant       Replenish lubricant or select a better one.

Abnormal Temperature         Abnormal load                            Improve the fit, internal clearance, preload, position of housing
           Rise              Incorrect mounting                       shoulder.

                                                                      Improve the machining accuracy and alignment of shaft and housing,
                                                                      accuracy of mounting, or mounting method.

                             Creep on fitted surface, excessive seal  Correct the seals, replace the bearing, correct the fitting or mounting.

                             Brinelling                               Replace the bearing and use care when handling bearings.

  Vibration                  Flaking                                  Replace the bearing.
(Axial runout)               Incorrect mounting
                                                                      Correct the squareness between the shaft and housing shoulder or side
                                                                      of spacer.

                             Penetration of foreign particles         Replace or clean the bearing, improve the seals.

  Leakage or                 Too much lubricant, Penetration by       Reduce the amount of lubricant, select a stiffer grease. Replace the      Fig. 14.12 Removal of Inner     Fig. 14.13 Removal of Inner Ring Using  Fig. 14.14 Removal of Inner Ring Using
Discoloration of             foreign matter or abrasion chips         bearing or lubricant. Clean the housing and adjacent parts.               Fig. 14.1 2 Ring Using a Press  Fig. 14.13 Withdrawal Tool (1)          Fig. 14.14 Withdrawal Tool (2)


        Note  (1) Intermittent squeal or high-pitch noise may be heard in medium- to large-sized cylindrical roller bearings or ball                                                                                                                A 121
A 120             bearings that are operating under grease lubrication in low-temperature environments. Under such low-temperature
                  conditions, bearing temperature will not rise resulting in fatigue nor is grease performance affected. Although
                  intermittent squeal or high-pitch noise may occur under these conditions, the bearing is fully functional and can
                  continue to be used. In the event that greater noise reduction or quieter running properties are needed, please contact
                  your nearest NSK branch office.
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