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15.5 Coefficients of Dynamic Friction and                       (3) Radial Internal Clearance & r and Fatigue Life L                                                                                 Table 15. 7 ε and f (ε), Lε/L
       Other Bearing Data                                           (Fig. 15.13)
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Deep Groove Ball Bearings                           Cylindrical Roller Bearings
(1) Bearing Types and Their Coefficients of Dynamic             For the radial internal clearance & r and the function f
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ε   f (ε) L⎯Lε                                          f (ε) L⎯Lε
   Friction μ                                                   (ε) of the load factor, the following equations are valid:
                                                                For Deep Groove Ball Bearings                                                                                                  0.1
μ= M                                                                                                                                                                                           0.2   33.713   0.294                                      51.315                0.220
           d                                                                                   1                                                                                               0.3   10.221   0.546                                      14.500                0.469
                                                                                                                                                                                                              0.737                                                            0.691
       P⋅  2                                                          f (ε) = & r ⋅ Dw 3 ....................................(N)                                                               0.4    4.045                                               5.539
                                                                               ( )0.00044   Fr      2                                                                                          0.6     1.408  0.889                                        1.887               0.870
                                                                                                    3                                                                                                  0      1.0                                          0                   1.0
                                                                                            Z                                                                                                  0.7   − 0.859  1.069                                      − 1.133               1.075
       Table 15.5 Coefficients of Dynamic Friction                                                                                                                                             0.8
                                                                                            1                                                                                                  0.9

         Bearing Types         Approximate values of μ                f (ε) = & r ⋅ Dw 3 ....................................{kgf }2                                                           1.0   − 1.438  1.098                                      − 1.897               1.096
                                                                               ( )0.002 Fr     3                                                                                               1.25  − 1.862  1.094                                      − 2.455               1.065
Deep Groove Ball Bearings                0.0013                                                                                                                                                1.5   − 2.195  1.041                                      − 2.929               0.968
Angular Contact Ball Bearings            0.0015
Self-Aligning Ball Bearings              0.0010                                         Z                                                                                                      1.67  − 2.489  0.948                                      − 3.453               0.805
Thrust Ball Bearings                     0.0011                                                                                                                                                1.8   − 3.207  0.605                                      − 4.934               0.378
                                                                For Cylindrical Roller Bearings                                                                                                2.0   − 3.877  0.371                                      − 6.387               0.196

Cylindrical Roller Bearings    0.0010                                 f (ε) =  &  r  ⋅  L      0.8     ..................................(N)                                                   2.5   − 4.283  0.276                                      − 7.335               0.133
Tapered Roller Bearings        0.0022                                                      we                                                                                                  3     − 4.596  0.221                                      − 8.082               0.100
Spherical Roller Bearings      0.0028                                                                                                                                                          4     − 5.052  0.159                                      − 9.187               0.067
                                                                               ( )0.000077 Fr 0.9
                                                                                            Z                                                                                                  5     − 6.114  0.078                                      −11.904               0.029
                                                                                                                                                                                              10     − 7.092  0.043                                      −14.570               0.015
Needle Roller Bearings                                                (ε)       &r ⋅ L      0.8                                                                                                      − 8.874  0.017                                      −19.721               0.005
with Cages                                                                     0.0006   we
                               0.0015                                 ( )f =                           . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{kgf }                     −10.489  0.008                                      −24.903               0.002
Full Complement Needle         0.0025                                                   Fr 0.9                                                                                                       −17.148  0.001                                      −48.395               0.0002
Roller Bearings                0.0028
Spherical Thrust Roller
Bearings                                                        The relation between the load factor ε and f (ε) and

                                                                Lε / L , when the radial internal clearance is & r is as
                                                                shown in Table 15.7.

                                                                From the above equations, first obtain f (ε) and then ε

                                                                and Lε / L can be obtained.

(2) Circumferential Speeds of Rolling Elements
    about Their Centers and Bearing Center

                              Table 15.6 Circumferential Speeds of Rolling Elements about                                                                                         Lε          1.0
                                             Their Centers and Bearing Center                                                                                                        L
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          P=Cr/5 6208
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          P=Cr/10 Cr=29 100 N
                                                                                                                                                                                              0.8 P=Cr/15

              Items            Rotating inner ring, fixed outer ring           Rotating outer ring, fixed inner ring                                                              Life Ratio  0.6

       Ball rotating speed       ( )− Dpw − cos2α ni                             ( )+ Dpw − cos2α ne
                                          Dw Dpw/Dw 2                                     Dw Dpw/Dw 2
           na (min–1)


          Cicumferential       ( )− π ⋅ Dw Dpw − cos2α ni                      ( )+ π ⋅ Dw Dpw − cos2α ne                                                                                     0.2 NU208 P=Cr/5
          speed around            60 × 103 Dw Dpw/Dw 2                            60 × 103 Dw Dpw/Dw 2                                                                                                                         Cr=43 500 N P=Cr/10
       bearing ball's center
           υa (m/sec)

             Revolving         ( )+ 1− cos α            ni                              ( )+ 1− cos α   ne                                                                                           −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
           speed around                Dpw/Dw                                                   Dpw/Dw
           bearing center                               2                                               2

             nc (min–1)                                                                                                                                                                              Radial Internal Clearance & r                                μm

           Cicumferential      ( )− π ⋅ Dpw                 ni                 ( )+ π ⋅ Dpw                     ne
           speed around           60 × 103                                        60 × 103
           bearing center      1− cos α                     2                                       1− cos α    2                                                                                    Fig. 15.13 Radial Internal Clearance and Life Ratio

            υc (m/sec)             Dpw/Dw                                                               Dpw/Dw

       Remarks 1. + sign indicates CW rotation and − sign CCW
       Remarks 2. The revolving speed and circumferential speed of the rolling elements are the same as those of the


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