Page 8 - NSK_CAT_E1102m_A7-141
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In general, shafts are supported by only two bearings.      If measures to relieve a shaft’s thermal elongation and             The distinction between free-end and fixed-end       4.2 Example of Bearing Arrangements
When considering the bearing mounting arrangement,          contraction are insufficient, abnormal axial loads are              bearings and some possible bearing mounting
the following items must be investigated:                   applied to the bearings, which can cause premature                  arrangements for various bearing types are shown in  Some representative bearing mounting arrangements
(1) Expansion and contraction of the shaft caused by        failure.                                                            Fig. 4.1.                                            considering preload and rigidity of the entire assembly,
                                                            For free-end bearings, cylindrical roller bearings                                                                       shaft elongation and contraction, mounting error, etc.
    temperature variations.                                 or needle roller bearings with separable inner and                                                                       are shown in Table 4.1.
(2) Ease of bearing mounting and dismounting.               outer rings that are free to move axially (NU, N types,
(3) Misalignment of the inner and outer rings caused        etc.) are recommended. When these types are used,                              Table 4. 1 Representative Bearing Mounting Arrangements
                                                            mounting and dismounting are also easier.                                                   and Application Examples
    by deflection of the shaft or mounting error.           When non-separable types are used as free-end
(4) Rigidity of the entire system including bearings and    bearings, usually the fit between the outer ring and                Bearing Arrangements
                                                            housing is loose to allow axial movement of the
    preloading method.                                      running shaft together with the bearing. Sometimes,                                                                      Remarks               Application Examples
(5) Capability to sustain the loads at their proper         such elongation is relieved by a loose fitting between
                                                            the inner ring and shaft.                                           Fixed-end  Free-end
    positions and to transmit them.                         When the distance between the bearings is short and
                                                            the influence of the shaft elongation and contraction is                                  fThis is a common arrangement in which               Medium size electric motors,
4.1 Fixed-End and Free-End Bearings                         negligible, two opposed angular contact ball bearings                                        abnormal loads are not applied to bearings        blowers
                                                            or tapered roller bearings are used. The axial clearance                                     even if the shaft expands or contracts.
Among the bearings on a shaft, only one can be a            (possible axial movement) after the mounting is
"fixed-end" bearing that is used to fix the shaft axially.  adjusted using nuts or shims.                                                             fIf the mounting error is small, this is suitable
For this fixed-end bearing, a type which can carry both                                                                                                  for high speeds.
radial and axial loads must be selected.
Bearings other than the fixed-end one must be "free-
end" bearings that carry only radial loads to relieve the
shaft's thermal elongation and contraction.

                                                                                                                                                      fThis can withstand heavy loads and shock loads      Traction motors for rolling
                                                                                                                                                         and can take some axial load.                     stock

      AB                                                    BEARING A                     BEARING B                                                   fEvery type of cylindrical roller bearing is
                                                            ⋅ Deep Groove Ball Bearing    ⋅Cylindrical Roller Bearing                                    separable. This is helpful when interference is
                                                            ⋅ Matched Angular Contact      (NU, N types)                                                 necessary for both the inner and outer rings.
                                                             Ball Bearing                 ⋅Needle Roller Bearing (NA
      Fixed-end  Free-end (separable bearing)               ⋅ Double-Row Angular           type, etc.)                                                fThis is used when loads are relatively heavy.       Table rollers for steel mills,
                                                             Contact Ball Bearing                                                                                                                          main spindles of lathes
        A               C                                   ⋅ Self-Aligning Ball Bearing  BEARING C(1)                                                fFor maximum rigidity of the fixed-end bearing,
                                                            ⋅ Cylindrical Roller Bearing  ⋅Deep Groove Ball Bearing                                      it is a back-to-back type.
      Fixed-end Free-end (non-separable bearing)             with Ribs (NH, NUP           ⋅Matched Angular Contact
                                                             types)                        Ball Bearing (back-to-                                     fBoth the shaft and housing must have high
        DD                                                  ⋅ Double-Row Tapered           back)                                                         accuracy and the mounting error must be small.
                                                             Roller Bearing               ⋅Double-Row Angular
      No distinction between fixed-end and free-end         ⋅ Spherical Roller Bearing     Contact Ball Bearing                                       fThis is also suitable when interference is Calender rolls of paper making
                                                                                          ⋅Self-Aligning Ball Bearing
            EE                                              BEARING D,E(2)                ⋅Double-Row Tapered                                         necessary for both the inner and outer rings. machines, axles of diesel
                                                            ⋅ Angular Contact Ball         Roller Bearing (KBE type)
                                                             Bearing                      ⋅Spherical Roller Bearing                                   Heavy axial loads cannot be applied.                 locomotives
                                                            ⋅ Tapered Roller Bearing
                                                            ⋅ Magneto Bearing             BEARING F
                                                            ⋅ Cylindrical Roller Bearing  ⋅Deep Groove Ball Bearing
                                                             (NJ, NF types)               ⋅Self-Aligning Ball Bearing
                                                                                          ⋅Spherical Roller Bearing
      No distinction between fixed-end and free-end
                                                                                                                                                      fThis is suitable for high speeds and heavy radial   Reduction gears in diesel
                                                                                                                                                         loads. Moderate axial loads can also be applied.  locomotives

            FF                                              Notes: (1) In the figure, shaft elongation and contraction are                            fIt is necessary to provide some clearance
                                                                        relieved at the outside surface of the outer ring, but                           between the outer ring of the deep groove ball
      No distinction between fixed-end and free-end                     sometimes it is done at the bore.                                                bearing and the housing bore in order to avoid
                                                                                                                                                         subjecting it to radial loads.
                                                                    (2) For each type, two bearings are used in opposition.

                 Fig. 4.1 Bearing Mounting Arrangements and Bearing Types                                                                                                                                  Continued on next page

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